Folder Axe 5.2

Folder Axe was made with one purpose in mind, and that is to help you split up your folders into multiple smaller ones.
Split by amount (Specify the number of files each resulting folder is limited to)
Split by size (Specify the size limit of each resulting folder)
(By Amount and By Size can be combined)
Split by name (Created folders based upon the first x number of characters in file names)
Split by file type
Split by file group
Split by date
Include subfolders if you want to
Set the naming scheme for the resulting folders
Process folders of any size!
Automatic update checking, so you always have the latest version!
Log window so you know exactly what´s going on at all times!
What´s New in version 5.2:
Added progress bar to indicate progress when application appears frozen

Download (908 KB)

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